Vulnerability Disclosure Program and Policy

Dossiere has implemented a vulnerability disclosure program as defined in this policy statement.


Dossiere is committed to ensuring the security of its clients’ information. This policy is intended to give security researchers clear guidelines for conducting vulnerability discovery activities and to convey our preferences in how to submit discovered vulnerabilities to us.

This policy describes what systems and types of research are covered under this policy, how to send us vulnerability reports, and how long we ask security researchers to wait before publicly disclosing vulnerabilities.

We encourage you to contact us to report potential vulnerabilities in our systems.



If you make a good faith effort to comply with this policy during your security research, we will consider your research to be authorized we will work with you to understand and resolve the issue quickly, and Dossiere will not recommend or pursue legal action related to your research. Should legal action be initiated by a third party against you for activities that were conducted in accordance with this policy, we will make this authorization known.



Under this policy, "research" means activities in which you:


  • Notify us as soon as possible after you discover a real or potential security issue.
  • Make every effort to avoid privacy violations, degradation of user experience, disruption to production systems, and destruction or manipulation of data.
  • Only use exploits to the extent necessary to confirm a vulnerability's presence. Do not use an exploit to compromise or exfiltrate data, establish persistent command line access, or use the exploit to pivot to other systems.
  • Provide us a reasonable amount of time to resolve the issue before you disclose it publicly.
  • Do not submit a high volume of low-quality reports.


Once you've established that a vulnerability exists or encounter any sensitive data (including personally identifiable information, financial information, or proprietary information or trade secrets of any party), you must stop your test, notify us immediately, and not disclose this data to anyone else.


Test methods

The following test methods are not authorized:


  • Network denial of service (DoS or DDoS) tests or other tests that impair access to or damage a system or data
  • Physical testing (e.g. office access, open doors, tailgating), social engineering (e.g. phishing, vishing), or any other non-technical vulnerability testing



This policy applies to only the following systems and services:

Any other subdomain of are excluded from this policy.

Tests must only be performed on test accounts which have been created using the 45 day demonstration licence.  The name of the account must include “VDP” in its title.

Any service not expressly listed above, such as any connected services, are excluded from scope and are not authorized for testing. Additionally, vulnerabilities found in systems from our vendors fall outside of this policy's scope and should be reported directly to the vendor according to their disclosure policy (if any). If you aren't sure whether a system is in scope or not, contact us at before starting your research.

Though we develop and maintain other internet-accessible systems or services, we ask that active research and testing only be conducted on the systems and services covered by the scope of this document. If there is a particular system not in scope that you think merits testing, please contact us to discuss it first. We will increase the scope of this policy over time.

A bounty of between $AU50 and $AU1,000 is available for a previously unreported and confirmed vulnerability.  Full identifying details of the submitter including email and mobile phone number will be required along with details of the vulnerability s shown below and the steps undertaken to prove the vulnerability exists.  These can be submitted using the details located in

Bounty values will be determined by Dossiere based on the security classification and level of consequence of the vulnerability disclosed.

Information required as part of your submission include:

  • Date and time of accessing the vulnerability (including GMT Offset or timezone)
  • Subscription name
  • Username, email address, login method (google, microsoft, apple), Name of user
  • Steps taken to access the vulnerability (preferably including screen shots)
  • Outcome of the vulnerability (e.g. ability to access or change another user's data)
  • Consequence of the vulnerability